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Paperback 406 Pages


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A decree to eradicate one of three races inhabiting the planet Combria ignites a revolutionary war, instigated by General PC ZANE. Choosing the title of PRINCE, Zane manages to usurp the throne of GRAM PILLHIGH but the king escapes to one of several underground bomb shelters built a generation prior for such a contingency. From his subterranean tactical lair, Gram is able to conduct his counter offenses unhindered.

  Unbeknownst to Prince Zane at the onset of the war, a renown physicist and a team of scientists are being forced by the dethroned king to create a new weapon that will ensure the defeat of the revolutionaries.  

  Soon after Zane learns such a weapon is being constructed the prototype proves successful in a test and the only hope he has of saving his race from complete annihilation is to capture Gram Pillhigh. But no one in the revolutionary forces knows where the mad king is hiding.

The Genocide Directive


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